

we love servers

4 GB RAM, 120 GB disk, 8 cores CPU, 250 GB network storage, IPv4 and IPv6 address, remote console, backups, on-line support, playground…

Registration »

If you want to have your own virtual server, which you can adjust for your needs, you don't want to worry about hardware and technical solutions, you want to share our infrastructure and hardware, join us! We are not a commercial VPS provider, we are a non-profit association and you could be our member…


How to start?

Fill registration

Become a member,
fill the registration form
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VPS will be started

You will get a VPS within 24 hours.
4 GB RAM, 120 GB disk, 8 cores
More info »

12 euro monthly

Try it for a week,
then pay your membership fee,
36 EUR for three months

Enjoy your VPS

Use our infrastrcture
as you need.
The rest is up to you…

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