
Virtual server

CPU: 8 cores
RAM: 4096 MB
HDD: 120 GB
IPv6: 32×
Connectivity: Prague 1 Gbps,
Brno 300 Mbps
Remote console
On-line support

NAS storage

In this age of cloud computing and moving data to datacenters you need a lot of disk space.

We offer 250 GB of network storage as a part of membership benefits. It is possible to create manual snapshots with respect to the quota. NAS can be expanded as described in membership fees.

Playground VPS

Playground VPSs are virtual servers with similar parameters as our standard virtual servers, but with a limited lifetime of one month. They run on different hardware in a different IP address space.

You can clone a production server into the playground if you want to try some configuration changes. You don't have to set up the playground VPS from the scratch.

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